Psoriasis: Hvordan kan vår LED-maske hjelpe deg med psoriasis?

Psoriasis: How can our LED mask help you with psoriasis?

Psoriasis: How can our LED mask help you with psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that affects many people worldwide. Those suffering from psoriasis often experience symptoms such as red and flaky areas of skin, itching and discomfort. Treating this condition can be challenging, but there are now innovative solutions that can help alleviate the symptoms and improve the skin's condition. One of these solutions is the use of an LED mask, which has been shown to be effective in the treatment of psoriasis. In this article, we will take a closer look at how our LED mask can help those with psoriasis.


  • What is psoriasis?
  • Symptoms of psoriasis
  • Treatment options for psoriasis
  • LED mask: An innovative solution
  • How does an LED mask work??
  • Benefits of using an LED mask for psoriasis
  • Our LED mask and its benefits
  • Customer reviews and experiences
  • How to use the LED mask correctly
  • Leading light treatments for skin problems
  • Treatment of psoriasis with an LED mask: Clinical studies and research
  • Frequently asked questions about LED mask and psoriasis
  • Summary

What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a complex and common skin disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. This condition can have a significant impact on the quality of life of those who suffer from it. While there are several treatment options available, the use of LED mask has been shown to be a promising approach in the treatment of psoriasis.

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that causes excessive growth of skin cells. This results in the formation of thick, red and flaky skin areas called plaques. Psoriasis can occur anywhere on the body, including the scalp, elbows, knees, back and nails.

Symptoms of psoriasis

The symptoms of psoriasis vary from person to person, but usually include:

  • Red and inflamed skin areas
  • Flaking and scaling of the skin
  • Itching and discomfort
  • thickening and peeling of nails
  • Joint pain and stiffness (in case of psoriatic arthritis)
Silkemyk LED-maske. LED-lysterapi til hjemmebruk er effektiv og smertefri behandling for psoriasis. Bli kvitt symptomer på psoriasis. Best i test på

Treatment options for psoriasis

There are several treatment options for psoriasis, including topical creams, systemic medications, and light treatments. Light therapy, also known as LED mask therapy is also effective in calming many of the symptoms of a person with psoriasis

LED mask: An innovative solution

LED mask is one of the newest and most innovative treatment methods for psoriasis. This advanced device uses different colors of light to penetrate the skin and stimulate cell renewal. It helps to reduce inflammation, relieve itching and improve the overall condition of the skin.

How does an LED mask work??

The LED mask works by harnessing the effects of specific wavelengths of light, including red, yellow and green light. Each colored light has unique properties and benefits for treating psoriasis.

LED Mask Light Therapy Benefits, Red, Green, Yellow, Infrared

Benefits of using an LED mask for psoriasis

  • Reduces inflammation: Red light has been shown to reduce skin inflammation and soothe irritation and redness caused by psoriasis.
  • Relieves itching: By stimulating blood circulation, the LED mask can help relieve itching and discomfort.
  • Promotes cell renewal: The different colors of light stimulate the skin's natural repair processes and promote cell renewal.
  • Improves the condition of the skin: The use of LED mask can help to improve the texture of the skin, reduce plaque formation and smooth the skin.
  • Safe and non-invasive treatment: The LED mask treatment is painless, non-invasive and produces no side effects. It can be used at home and requires no downtime.

Our LED mask and its benefits

Our LED masks have been specially developed with a focus on efficiency and ease of use. The masks have 4 different color programs with different wavelengths (nanometers): red (630 nm), yellow (580 nm), green (520 nm) and multi (N-IR 850 nm). These different colors penetrate 1-5 mm into the skin and provide specific benefits:

  • Red light: Regenerates skin cells, increases blood circulation, reduces signs of aging and smoothes the skin.
  • Yellow light: Strengthens sensitive skin, reduces skin redness and improves the skin's general condition.
  • Green light: Soothes irritated skin, prevents sensitivity and evens out skin tone.
Silkemyk LED-maske. LED-lysterapi til hjemmebruk er effektiv og smertefri behandling for psoriasis. Bli kvitt symptomer på psoriasis. Best i test på

Customer reviews and experiences

Our customers have reported positive results after using the LED mask for the treatment of psoriasis. They have noted a reduction in inflammation, itching and plaque formation, as well as a general improvement in the condition of the skin.

How to use the LED mask correctly

To achieve optimal results, it is recommended to use the LED mask regularly in accordance with the instructions from the manufacturer. Follow these steps for proper use:

  1. Clean the skin thoroughly before using the LED mask.
  2. Choose the desired color program depending on your needs.
  3. Carefully place the mask over your face and adjust it for optimal fit.
  4. Turn on the mask and leave it on for the recommended time.
  5. Switch off the mask after the treatment period has ended and remove it carefully.
  6. Gently massage any remaining treatment products into the skin.


Treatment of psoriasis with an LED mask: Clinical studies and research

Several clinical studies and research have been conducted to evaluate the efficacy of LED mask therapy for psoriasis. These studies have shown promising results and indicated that the use of LED mask can be an effective approach to relieve symptoms and improve skin condition in people with psoriasis.

Studies have reported a reduction in plaque formation, improved skin texture and reduction in itching and inflammation after using LED mask treatment. Research has also indicated that LED mask treatment can have a positive effect on the immune response and regulate cell growth and cytokine levels in the skin.

It is important to note that results may vary from person to person, and it is always recommended to consult a doctor or skin specialist before starting any kind of treatment.

Silkemyk LED-maske. LED-lysterapi til hjemmebruk er effektiv og smertefri behandling for psoriasis. Bli kvitt symptomer på psoriasis. Best i test på

Frequently asked questions about LED mask and psoriasis

Here are some common questions and answers about the use of LED mask for the treatment of psoriasis:

Is LED mask treatment painful?

No, LED mask treatment is painless and non-invasive. You may experience a mild warmth or pleasant sensation during the treatment.

How long does it take to see results with LED mask treatment?

Results may vary, but many people report improvements after a few weeks of regular use. It may take several weeks or months to achieve more noticeable results.

Are there any side effects when using the LED mask??

LED mask treatment has no known serious side effects. Some people may experience temporary redness or sensitivity of the skin immediately after the treatment, which usually subsides within a short time.

Can LED mask treatment be used together with other psoriasis treatments?

Yes, LED mask treatment can be used as part of a comprehensive psoriasis treatment. It is recommended to discuss the use of the LED mask with a doctor or skin specialist to ensure that it is safe and suitable for your specific situation.

Can I use LED mask treatment at home??

Yes, LED mask treatment can be performed at home. Our LED masks are specially designed for simple

use at home and gives you the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of LED mask treatment in the comfort of your own home.


LED mask therapy has been shown to be a promising approach for the treatment of psoriasis. By utilizing different colors of light, the LED mask helps to reduce inflammation, relieve itching and improve the condition of the skin. Our LED mask has several color programs and benefits that can help you relieve symptoms and improve your psoriasis treatment.

Take control of your psoriasis treatment and experience the benefits of LED mask treatment today. Visit to learn more and access our innovative LED mask.



Read more about the benefits of our LED mask for the skin:

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